Alternative history: What if the Reconquista failed

Alterative history: What if the Reconquista failed?


In 711, Tariq bin Ziyad, a Muslim general, crossed the strait between Africa and Europe and successfully expanded the Umayyad territory, then most of the Iberian Peninsula became Umayyad territory and only some parts of the Iberian Peninsula remained the territories of the Spanish Christian kingdom. In 722, there was a battle between the Umayyads and the Spanish Christian kingdom which was won by the Kingdom of Asturias, which was the Spanish Christian kingdom, and the Reconquista, which is the effort to reconquer the Iberian Peninsula by the Spanish Christian kingdom, began from that event. In 750, there was political turmoil in the Islamic world, which caused the Abbasids to take power, then And Al-Rahman I, an Umayyad prince, fled Damascus to the Iberian Peninsula, then he established the Kingdom of Córdoba, and the Reconquista continued for hundreds of years. In 1492, the last Islamic kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula, which is the Kingdom of Granada, disestablished, due to conquest by the Kingdom of Castille, which is the Spanish Christian kingdom. But what if the Reconquista failed?


In the real timeline, Tariq bin Ziyad, a Muslim general, crossed the strait between Africa and Europe and successfully expanded the Umayyad territory, and this would also occur in this alternative timeline. After the conquest of the Iberian peninsula led by Tariq bin Ziyad, most of the Iberian peninsula became Umayyad territory, and only the northern part remained part of the territory of the Kingdom of Asturias, which is the Spanish Christian kingdom, In 722, a battle broke out between the Umayyads and the kingdom of Asturias in a town called Covadonga, which was won by the Kingdom of Asturias, in both the real timeline and this alternative timeline. In 750, Abd Al-Rahman I, an Umayyad prince, fled Damascus to the Iberian Peninsula, then he established the kingdom of Córdoba, in both the real timeline and this alternative timeline, but there would be a battle won by Muslims. In this alternative timeline, the kingdom of Córdoba successfully took control of the entire Iberian Peninsula, and the king of Asturias would be exiled to the territory of the kingdom of the Franks (modern-day France).

In 912, the kings from the royal family of Asturias would be permitted to return to the territory of the kingdom of Córdoba, then not long after that they would have rebelled against Muslim rule because they would have thought that Christians in the kingdom of Córdoba are treated as second class citizens, then this rebellion would have been a successful one, and the kingdoms of Asturias, Galicia and León would be formed.

In 929, Abd Al-Rahman III proclaimed himself as the caliph, both in the real timeline and this alternative timeline. After decades, Christian kingdoms would have been formed and they would have waged war on the kingdom of Córdoba to take control of the Iberian Peninsula.

In 1031, the kingdom of Córdoba fragmented to become petty states called taifas, both in the real timeline and this alternative timeline. After decades, the taifas waged war on one another, but in this alternative timeline, one of the taifas would make an effort to unite parts of the Iberian Peninsula controlled by Muslims, then after decades, parts of the Iberian Peninsula controlled by Muslims would have been successfully united.

After parts of the Iberian Peninsula controlled by Muslims are all united, the Spanish Christian kingdoms would have persisted on waging war against the Islamic kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula, then there would be a battle won by the Islamic kingdom, which would cause the entire Iberian Peninsula fall to the hands of the Muslim rulers, and the Christian kings would have to pay a tribute which would be very expensive. After the Iberian Peninsula had been successfully united under Muslim rule, the Europeans would not consider the Iberian Peninsula to be part of Europe due to difference in religion, although geographically located in Europe.

The Crusades would still happen in this alternative timeline, because the Christian kingdoms of Europe had the mission to reconquer Jerusalem.

After the Muslims won the Crusades, the Christian kings in the Iberian Peninsula would have rebelled with the spirit of Reconquista, although the rebellion would have been crushed.

Although Muslims had been ruling for centuries, but Christians would have been the majority.

In this alternative, the Moroccan Islamic kingdom would not take control of the Iberian Peninsula, because the taifas were already became a unified state. The Marinids, which is the Moroccan Islamic kingdom, would expand the territory of the Islamic kingdom to the Iberian Peninsula.

The conquest of Constantinople by the Ottoman Empire would still happen in this alternative timeline, thus the European nations would have still searched for another trade route to Asia. In this alternative timeline, there would be competition between the Christian states in Europe and the Islamic kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula to search for a new trade route.

This alternative timeline would not only affect the Iberian Peninsula, but also other parts of the world. In this alternative timeline, the exploration of the oceans would be a competition between the Islamic kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula and the Christian States in Europe.

In this alternative timeline, the Americas would not be an unknown land forever. There would be explorers who would explore the Americas, be it European or Arab. When the Arabs explore the Americas, they would trade with the native Americans, and would have made use of their journey as an opportunity to spread Islam.

In this alternative timeline, the entire American continent would not be ruled by the Europeans. Islamic kingdoms would emerge in the American continent and would trade with other Native American tribes. The British and the Dutch in this alternative timeline would still explore the Americas.

The pioneers of the exploration of the oceans in this alternative timeline would not be the Spanish and the Portuguese, but the Arabs and the Venetians. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade would still happen in this alternative timeline, but not only African slaves would be brought, slaves from Eastern Europe would also be brought to the American continent.

In this alternative timeline, the Americas would be different than the Americas in the real timeline. In this alternative timeline, the American continent would be divided culturally into White America and Moorish America. However, that does not mean that the countries of Moorish America would be independent forever, because it would be possible that European powers come and search for natural resources in Moorish America.

Due to the emergence of nationalism in Europe, the countries of Moorish America would secede from European colonial empires. The Iberian Peninsula would secede from the Alaouite kingdom (Morocco).


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