Alternative history: What if the Ancient Egyptians became a superpower?

Alternative history: What if the Ancient Egyptians became a superpower?


The Ancient Egyptians were the first ancient civilisations to emerge on this planet. Throughout history, they have been attacked by other nations. They have opened trade routes, but they only opened these routes throughout Egypt and did not go elsewhere. Because they were too weak, the story of the presence of the Ancient Egyptians had ended due to the Persian conquest of Egypt, then the Roman conquest.

The Berbers are the indigenous people of North Africa. Throughout history, they never had their own civilisation. They had been ruled by foreigners, from the Ancient Egyptians, Carthaginians, Ancient Romans, Arabs to the modern French and Spanish nations. Although there was a trade route across North Africa, they never had their own civilisation because they were consistently living in a nomadic way in the desert. Although they never had their own civilisation, but they had a good leader, Shoshenq I, who ruled during the 22nd dynasty of Ancient Egypt (943 - 922 SM). But what if the Ancient Egyptians during the 22nd dynasty opened a trade route throughout the world and the nations who lived along the trade route controlled by the Egyptians developed their own civilisation, including the Berbers?


In the real timeline, the 22nd dynasty, the Ancient Egyptians did not open trade routes throughout the world, but there was a king who was not an Egyptian, Shoshenq I, who ruled the Ancient Egyptian state between 943 - 922 BC. In this alternative timeline, this would also happen, but the Egyptians would have also opened trade routes throughout the world, because the king was not an Egyptian. In this alternative timeline, the Ancient Egyptians would have opened a trade route throughout the world to fulfill their needs for more resources, because in other countries to the north, south, west and east of Egypt there would have been many natural resources, such as gold, diamond and others. They began to open trade routes to the west (North and West Africa), north (Europe), east (the Middle East, Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia) and south (Central and East Africa). When the Ancient Egyptians opened their trade routes throughout the world, the nations to the north, south, west and east of Egypt would establish their own civilisations during the 9th century BC, including the Berbers

In this alternative timeline, the Berbers would have their own civilisation and abandon their nomadic way of life. Other nations, such as the Aryans (Slavs), ancient Arabs, Turks, Mandé, Dunka, Wolf, Akan, Yoruba, Igbo, Bantu, Vedda (native Sri Lankans), Mon, ancient Malays, even the Sundanese, would follow suit. Due to a trade route stretching from Europe, Africa to Asia and reaching Central Africa and Southeast Asia, the Ancient Egyptians would be a superpower. However, there would be other nations controlling world trade.

The fate of North Africa in this alternative timeline would be different than in the real timeline. In this alternative timeline, the Berbers who would have had their own civilisation and even their own kingdom called the Zenati kingdom, would have controlled Western Europe, which was a region inhabited by the Iberians, Celts and Germans. But that does not mean that these nations would want  to be part of the Berber Zenati kingdom. There would be uprisings by the natives of Western Europe and they would form their own kingdoms separate from the kingdom of Zenati. In the real timeline, the Phoenicians conquered parts of North Africa and established the state of Carthage, whereas in this alternative timeline, the Phoenicians would conquer parts of Eastern Europe inhabited by the Aryans (Slavs) since the 7th century BC, but the Aryans (Slavs) would have revenged against the Phoenicians by conquering parts of the Middle East which were originally inhabited by the Phoenicians. 

North Africa in this alternative timeline would not have been ruled by the Romans, because the Romans would have been conquered by the Aryans (Slavs) from Eastern Europe. In this alternative timeline, the Aryans (Slavs), would have conquered North Africa in the 6th century BC. In this alternative timeline, the Berbers would rebel, but the rebellion would have been crushed.

If the Berbers had their own civilisation due to the establishment of a global trade route by the Ancient Egyptians, it would not only affect North Africa, but it would also affect most parts of Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, even parts of South and Southeast Asia. The new civilisations would have expanded and came major states declaring war with one another.

In this alternative timeline, North Africa would become a hotly contested region. The Aryans (Slavs) and the Ancient Egyptians would have fought for control since the 5th century BC. Battles would have been fought in some parts of North Africa, and the Ancient Egyptians would have won the battles, because they were more powerful. 

In this alternative timeline, Western Europe would be ruled by the Celts who had recently been separated from the Berber kingdom of Zenati, but that does not mean that the Celts would have been the 'owners' of Western Europe, because the Ancient Egyptians in this alternative timeline would conquer Western Europe. In Eastern Europe according to this alternative timeline, the Aryans (Slavs) would he the 'owners' of the region, because they have conquered lands belonging to the Greeks, Etruscans and Romans and adopt ideas from these nations, which includes democracy and Latin script. 

In this alternative timeline, the Persian, Armenian and Caucasian civilisations would have still emerged. In real timeline, the Neo-Babylonian kingdom led by the Assyrians would be conquered by the Persians, and this would also happen in this alternative timeline. In this 4th century BC, the Persians, Armenians, Aryans (Slavs) would fight each other over territory in the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa and Eastern Europe.

In the real timeline, the Ancient Egyptians were conquered by the Ancient Greeks, whereas in this alternative timeline, that would not happen, because the Greeks have been conquered by the Aryans (Slavs). In this alternative 4th century BC, the Ancient Egyptians had conquered most parts of the Middle East, because the Persians and the Armenians were too weak. The Aryans (Slavs) would also conquer territories inhabited by the Armenians and the Persians. In this alternative timeline, the story of Persian and the Armenian control would have ended by the 3rd century BC due to conquest by the Aryans (Slavs). In the easternmost part of Europe during this alternative 3rd century BC, there would be a war between the Caucasian Iberians and the Aryans (Slavs), which would result in the Caucasian Iberians being conquered.

In this alternative timeline, Europe, North Africa and the Middle East (except for the southern and western part of the Arabian Peninsula) would be a heavily contested zone fought over by the Ancient Egyptians and the Aryans (Slavs). 

In this alternative timeline, the nations of Central, South and Southeast Asia, and also the nations living in sub-Saharan Africa would fight each other for territory to control and would search for natural resources.

In this alternative Southeast Asia during the 3rd century BC, there would be fighting over territory to control in Southeast Asia between the Hindustanis of India and the Veddas of Sri Lanka. Not only that, the Mon and the Ancient Malays would also fight for power to take control of territory in Southeast Asia. After years of warfare, the Hindustanis would finally conquer the territory inhabited by the Veddas (native Sri Lankans) and would 'colonise' Sri Lanka and spread their religion (Buddhism), just like what happened in the real timeline, and the Ancient Malays would become modern and conquer the Mon and expand to parts of the Indonesian archipelago (Sumatra and Borneo), whereas the Sundanese would expand eastwards to the eastern par of Java, Bali, the western part of the Lesser Sunda Islands and the southern part of Sulawesi, following the footsteps of the Malays.

For Central Asia in this alternative timeline, the Turks would have been in war against the Aryans and the Hindustanis and eventually conquered parts of what is today part of Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Xinjiang (part of the People's Republic of China) in the real timeline, which would cause the Huns from the Ural Mountains to flee to Eastern Europe and eventually becoming the ancestors of the Hungarians.

Whereas for sub-Saharan Africa, this alternative scenario would be different depending on the region. In West Africa, the Wolof, Mandé, Akan, Yoruba and Igbo would fight each other to control territory on the archipelago which is modern-day Cape Verde in the real timeline, thus the Wolof would be conquered by the Mandé and the archipelago which is modern-day Cape Verde in the real timeline would be inhabited by the Mandé. For Central and East Africa, the Bantu, Dinka, Kush, Ancient Egyptians and the Ancient Arabs would fight each other to control territory on the islands off the east coast of Africa, thus the Dinka would be conquered by the Bantu, whereas the Kush would be conquered by the Ancient Egyptians. In this alternative timeline, the islands on the east coast of Africa would be inhabited by the Ancient Egyptians.

Although there are many conquests in this alternative timeline, that does not mean that there would be no rebellion led by the conquered nations. In this alternative timeline, there would be a rebellion by the Persians and the Armenians, there would also be a rebellion led by the Jews against the Aryans (Slavs). 

In the first century BC in this alternative scenario, the Tihamah (west coast of the Arabian peninsula) would be contested between the Jews and the ancient Arabs, which led to the Jews winning the battles and conquering the ancient Arabs. The Ancient Egyptians in this alternate first century would be modern and conquer the Aryans in Europe and the Jews in the Middle East.

In this alternative timeline, Jesus would still exist, then the Egyptians would persecute Christians, just lime what the Romans did in the real timeline. But that does not mean that the Christians would continue to be persecuted by the Egyptians, because the Egyptians would one day make a decree to stop persecuting Christians and eventually legitimise Christianity as the official religion which would spread to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. However, that doesn't mean that Christianity would be accepted by all the nations living in the Egyptian Empire, because there would be nations who would reject Christianity and percieve it as a foreign religion. 

Because the Egyptians in this alternative timeline had conquered most parts of Europe, European culture, such as Latin script, Greek architecture and democracy, would spread to North Africa and the Middle East, whereas Egyptian culture, such as the pyramids architecture, would have spread to Europe.

In this alternative timeline, the Egyptian Empire would fragment, just as the Roman Empire did in the real timeline. The Egyptian Empire would be fragmented into five states, namely Western Egypt, Eastern Egypt, Insular Egypt, Kush and Europe, where Europe would be ruled by the Romans and Christianity would split into two churches. 

In this alternative timeline, Prophet Muhammad and Islam would still exist, because Pre-Islamic Hijaz was a country known for its barbaric character of the population. In this alternative 7th century, there would have been wars between the Eastern Egyptian Empire and the Muslims, thus the Islamic State under the rule of the prophet's companions would have conuqered the easternmost part of North Africa and end the story of the presence of the Eastern Egyptian Empire. In this alternative timeline, fights over territory would happen among Muslims, and the Umayyads would have been in power. Not only that, the Islamic state would trade with the nations living in Central and South Asia and spread Islam over there.

In this alternative timeline, the Christians living under the Western Egyptian Empire would conquer Jerusalem which had been under Islamic rule. Due to the reconquest of Jerusalem, the Muslims living under the caliphate would take Jerusalem back, then they would have conquered North Africa (except for Egypt), but not Spain. Due to the Arab conquest of North Africa, the Berbers would be separated from North Africa and trade with nations in sub-Saharan Africa (West, Central and East Africa). 

In this alternative timeline, the story of the presence of the Turks would be similar to the real timeline. They would expand to the west without conquering. The Turks in this this alternative timeline would have spread Islam to Armenia, Anatolia and further to Europe. In this alternative timeline, the Turks would establish a city-state called Islambul, otherwise called Istanbul in the real timeline.

For Southeast Asia in this alternative timeline, Indian traders who were Hindus and Buddhists would not come to Southeast Asia, because they had been searching for a new trade route to China via the Himalayas and Tibet. Thus, the Indian traders do not need to find another trading route through Southeast Asia. Just as in this real timeline, the Arab and Indian traders who are Muslims would make use of the trade route to spread Islam to Southeast Asia. Thus, the Tai and the Mon Khmer would still practice their ancestral religion and be untouched by civilisation. 

For the southernmost part of Southeat Asia, there would be no cultural change in this alternative timeline. In this alternative timeline, Maldives would be an uninhabited place and it would make way for the Malays to migrate over there.

The Malays in this alternative timeline would trade with the Egyptians. The Malays who are already Muslims would spread Islam to the islands off the east coast of Africa, where that region would be inhabited by people of mixed Malay-Egyptian descent.

In the real timeline, the great civilisations in this world would be differentiated between the West (Europe) and East (Asia), whereas in this alternative timeline, it would be differentiated between the North (Europe) and the South (Africa).


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