Alternative history: What if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbour?

Alternative history: What if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbour?


World War II is one of the biggest wars during that happened throughout history which happened between 1939 and 1945. During the Second World War, there were two belligerents, which are the Allies (UK-USA-USSR-France) and the Axis (Germany-Italy-Japan). On the 9th of December 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. But what if Japan never attacked Pearl Harbour?


In the real timeline, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour because they wanted to reach their ambitions to expand their territory and be a superpower in Asia. Whereas in this alternate timeline, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour would have been resisted by the USSR because the Soviets wanted to expand to an area where there is no icy water as part of their warm water policy to spread their ideology throughout the world, whereas the USA had not get involved because Pearl Harbour had not been attacked. Not only Japan, Korea and China would also have been invaded by the USSR.

There are many differences between the real timeline and this alternative timeline, which revolves around the spread of communism. In the real timeline, communism had became the ideology of China after World War II (in 1949). Whereas in this alternate timeline, Soviet puppet states would be established in East Asia (Japan, Korea and China) in 1941 and the entire East Asian region would have fallen to the communists. Not only East Asia, some parts of Northern Europe (Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) and the entire Eastern European region, including Greece, would have fallen to the hands of the communists. In this alternative timeline, the division between West and East Germany would not exist and so would the Berlin Wall. In this alternative timeline, Spain would have occupied the entire North African region and the northern part of France, because Germany would have fallen to the hands of the communists (including the Alsace Lorraine region). 

Italy in the real timeline occupied Albania, some parts of Greece and some parts of North Africa, whereas in this alternative timeline, Italy would have occupied Cyprus, Northeast Africa, the Middle East (except for Saudi Arabia). Italy would have been the main actor in the Axis forces during World War II.

In the real timeline, some parts of Central Africa was under Belgian control until the 1960s, whereas in this alternative timeline, the area that would be called the Democratic Republic of Congo in the real timeline would be under Belgian control until the 1980s and the Belgians would begin large scale industrialisation which would make the Democratic Republic of Congo be independent as a developed country, whereas Rwanda and Burundi would have been independent kingdoms free from Belgian control in the 1940s.

The real post-war timeline and this alternative post-war timeline would have many similarities, but there are differences. One of the similarities is the Cold War happening until the collapse of the Soviet Union, whereas the differences would be the non-existence of military occupation zones in Germany and Austria in this alternative timeline, as it existed in the real timeline. In terms of the end of colonialism in Asia and Africa, there are a few differences between the real timeline and this alternative timeline.


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