Alternative history: What if Nazi Germany invaded Britain?

What if Nazi Germany invaded Britain?


During World War II, Nazi Germany expanded its territory to reach the goal of Lebensraum (Aryan homeland). They invaded most of Europe, especially Eastern Europe, because there are many of the people groups whom the Nazis consider as enemies who live there, namely the Jews. They also invaded westwards to the Netherlands, Belgium and the northern part of France, even they have attempted to invade Britain, but it failed due to resistance from the RAF. But what if Nazi Germany successfully invaded Britain? 

Alternative scenario

In the real timeline, Nazi Germany failed in there attempt to invade Great Britain due to resistance from the RAF and geographical factors (as Great Britain was an island separated from mainland Europe). In this alternative timeline, Nazi Germany tried their best to invade Britain to reach their Lebensraum goal, but there were no resistance from the RAF and the Nazis did not care about the geographic location of Britain which made them reluctant to invade. Then, the British government surrendered to the Nazis after the Nazis occupied England and Wales. This alternative timeline would make it possible for Nazi Germany to expand far west crossing the Irish Sea to Ireland. The legitimate British government would be exiled to Switzerland, and so would the legitimate Irish government. Because the entire British Isles, with the exception of Scotland would be occupied by Nazi Germany, Scotland would declare its independence from the United Kingdom, just as what Slovakia did in the real timeline. 

This alternative timeline where the Nazis successfully occupied Great Britain does not only affect Northern Europe, but also Southern Europe and British and French colonies in Africa, Asia, the South Pacific and West Indies. If the Nazis had successfully occupied Britain, Italy would have occupied Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus, Africa (except for South Africa), the Levant, Iraq, Kuwait, the Arabian Peninsula (except for Saudi Arabia), Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, West Indies, the east coast of Central America, Guyana and Suriname. Not only Italy would expand its territory that they occupy, Japan would have followed suit. However, Japan would not occupy Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, but they would expand westwards to South Asia and southwards to Australia. North America would have also been affected by this alternative timeline, because the Nazis had successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean and occupied some parts of Canada which ended in resistance by the USA.

Ada juga perbedaan antara garis waktu yang sebenarnya dengan garis waktu alternatif, dalam garis waktu kami, pemain utama Perang Dunia Kedua adalah Inggris-Amerika-Uni Soviet dan Jerman-Italia-Jepang, sedangkan dalam garis waktu alternatif ini, pemain utama Perang Dunia Kedua adalah Denmark-Amerika-Uni Soviet dan Jerman-Italia-Jepang, karena pasukan tentara Denmark melakukan perlawanan terhadap kekuasaan Nazi di wilayah Jutland Selatan dan akhirnya menjadi kekuatan militer yang kuat.

In this alternative timeline, Dresden would have still been bombed, but the Danish army would do that rather than the British. Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have still been as Japan had surrendered. Indonesia would have been independent by 1945 and the borders of the countries would go back to normal.

There are other similarities between the real timeline and this alternative timeline. In both timelimes, Nazism would have collapsed and the German and Austrian territory would have been divided based on post-World War II occupation zones. Communism would still be 'powerful' in Eastern Europe and worldwide and the Cold War between the USA (NATO) and the Soviet Union (Warsaw Pact) would still happen until the fall of the Iron Curtain.


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