
Alternative history: What if the Reconquista failed

Alterative history: What if the Reconquista failed? Context In 711, Tariq bin Ziyad, a Muslim general, crossed the strait between Africa and Europe and successfully expanded the Umayyad territory, then most of the Iberian Peninsula became Umayyad territory and only some parts of the Iberian Peninsula remained the territories of the Spanish Christian kingdom. In 722, there was a battle between the Umayyads and the Spanish Christian kingdom which was won by the Kingdom of Asturias, which was the Spanish Christian kingdom, and the Reconquista, which is the effort to reconquer the Iberian Peninsula by the Spanish Christian kingdom, began from that event. In 750, there was political turmoil in the Islamic world, which caused the Abbasids to take power, then And Al-Rahman I, an Umayyad prince, fled Damascus to the Iberian Peninsula, then he established the Kingdom of Córdoba, and the Reconquista continued for hundreds of years. In 1492, the last Islamic kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula, whic...

Sejarah alternatif: Apa yang terjadi jika Reconquista gagal?

Sejarah alternatif: Apa yang terjadi jika Reconquista gagal? Konteks Pada tahun 711, Tariq bin Ziyad, seorang jenderal yang beragama Islam, menyeberangi selat antara Afrika dan Eropa dan berhasil memperluas wilayah kekuasaan wangsa Umayyah, kemudian sebagian besar Semenanjung Iberia menjadi wilayah kekuasaan Umayyah dan hanya bagian tertentu yang tetap menjadi wilayah kekuasaan kerajaan Kristen Spanyol. Pada tahun 722, terjadi pertempuran antara tentara Umayyah dan tentara kerajaan Kristen Spanyol yang dimenangkan oleh kerajaan Asturias, yakni kerajaan Kristen Spanyol, dan pada peristiwa itulah dimulai Reconquista, yakni upaya memperebutkan kembali Semenanjung Iberia oleh kerajaan Kristen Spanyol. Pada tahun 750, gejolak politik yang terjadi di dunia Islam mengakibatkan wangsa Abbasiyah berkuasa, kemudian Abd Al-Rahman I, seorang pangeran dari wangsa Umayyah, melarikan diri dari Damaskus ke semenanjung Iberia, kemudian mendirikan Kerajaan Córdoba, dan Reconquista terus berlangsung hi...


Liyangan adalah sebuah situs arkeologi di Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah yang terdiri dari candi Hindu dan reruntuhan pemukiman kuno. Situs Liyangan terletak di sebelah barat Gunung Sindoro. Situs Liyangan mendapatkan namanya dari desa dimana situs tersebut berada. Situs Liyangan ditemukan pada tahun 2008.   Di Liyangan, terdapat jejak peradaban yang telah bertumbuh dari fase ke fase sejak abad ke-6 Masehi yang kemudian terkubur akibat erupsi Gunung Sindoro pada abad ke-11 Masehi. Situs Liyangan dikaitkan dengan Layang oleh sebagian arkeolog, dimana Layang merupakan daerah kekuasaan Rakai Layang Dyah Tlodhong. Kalaupun benar, situs Liyangan merupakan daerah kekuasaan watak (daerah otonom) yang dipimpin oleh Dyah Tlodhong, raja Mataram. Rakai Dyah Tlodhong kemudian diangkat menjadi putra mahkota setelah menjadi penguasa di watak Layang saat dia menggantikan Mpu Daksa yang merebut singgasana dari kekuasaan Balitung. Pemerintahan Dyah Tlodhong ditandai dengan adanya pemb...


Jepara adalah sebuah kota di Indonesia, lebih tepatnya di provinsi Jawa Tengah. Jepara berada di pantai utara pulau Jawa, di sebelah utara Semarang. Letak Jepara tidak begitu jauh dari gunung Muria Menurut salah seorang sejarawan Belanda, C. Lekkerkerker, nama Jepara berasal dari kata Ujungpara. Daerah yang kini disebut Jepara diberi nama Ujungpara karena pada zaman Majapahit, terdapat nelayan yang sedang membagi-bagi ikan hasil tangkapan mereka, dan dari situlah daerah tersebut diberi nama Ujungpara, yang berasal dari kata para (baca: poro), yang artinya membagi dalam bahasa Jawa. Sepanjang sejarah, nama Ujungpara berubah-ubah, mulanya berubah menjadi Ujung Mara, lalu Jumpara, kemudian Japara, dan akhirnya pada tahun 1950an diubah menjadi Jepara. Pada zaman purba, jauh sebelum adanya kerajaan-kerajaan di Pulau Jawa, di bagian utara pulau Jawa sudah ada sekelompok penduduk yang diyakini berasal dari Tiongkok Selatan yang bermigrasi ke arah selatan. Pada zaman itu, Jepara masih ...

Alternative history: What if the Soviet Union never invaded Afghanistan?

Alternative history: What if Nur Muhammad Taraki was never assassinated? What if the Soviet Union never invaded Afghanistan? Context In 1973, Afghanistan became a republic and Zahir Shah abdicated. Then in 1978, the Saur Revolution happened, when there was a coup d'état led by PDPA under Nur Muhammad Taraki against the republican government led by Daoud Khan. In 1979, Nur Muhammad Taraki was assassinated after he went off the aeroplane in Kabul after returning from Moscow. Because of the assassination of Nur Muhammad Taraki, the USSR invaded Afghanistan. After the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, hardline Islamic organisations allegedly funded by Saudi Arabia waged jihad against the communist government. In 1992, the Taliban, a political party formed by hardline Islamic organisations allegedly funded by Saudi Arabia began to gain inroads into Afghanistan. In the 1990s, the Taliban came into power by forcing their radial values to be implemented in Afghanistan. In 2001, the USA invade...

Alternative history: What if the attempt to establish the state of Liberia failed?

Context During the era of European colonialism in the American continent, slaves were brought to there by the European colonists, and many of them settled over there. Although many have settled in the American continent and practiced Christianity, they were still considered as second-class citizens by the colonial government. Due to years of oppression, many of the slaves rebelled, and one of the most notable rebellions was the Slave Revolt in Haiti inspired by the French Revolution. After that, Haiti gained her independence in 1804, although her independence was only recognised as de facto at that time. In 1816, Robert Finley, who lived in New Jersey, encouraged the migration of freed black slaves from America back to Africa, maybe it was because he was inspired by the Slave Revolt in Haiti. Between 1821 and 1822, Robert Finley lead an organisation called the American Colonisation Society to establish settlements in what was known as the Pepper Coast in West Africa. Then, many of the ...

Alternative history: What if Franz Ferdinand was never assassinated?

Alternative history: What if Franz Ferdinand was never assassinated? Context World War I began in 1914. The main cause of it was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by a student of Slavic descent due to discontent over the rule of Austria-Hungary on the Slavic lands. After Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, conflict between imperialist states (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey) and nationalist states (France, Britain, Russia, Serbia, Belgium, Montenegro, Japan, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Hicaz, China, Greece and Siam), which intensified into a worldwide conflict and became World War I. During World War I, the imperialist states lost, then the treaty of Versailles was ratified to end the conflict, which made some German politicians, including Adolf Hitler, disappointed. But what if the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was just an unsuccessful attempt? Skenario During the late 19th century and the early 20th century, nationalism as an ideology had been spreading throughout the w...