Alternative history: What if the Carthaginians conquered Rome?
Alternative history: What if the Carthaginians conquered Rome? Context The Romans defined the borders of the European continent. The Roman rule had brought in civilisation, government system and structure to countries which one day would have their own empires. Before the Romans ruled the coastal areas of Southern Europe and Northern Africa, they had a strong rival, who were the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians ruled territories across the sea making fortunes by sea trade. Because there were the Romans in Southern Europe, there were tensions between the Romans and the Carthaginians. Even a war between the Romans and the Carthaginians happened three times, the first time was in 264 - 241 BC, the second time was 218 - 201 BC, whereas the third time was 149 - 146 BC. The Romans won these wars. But what if the Carthaginians won these wars instead? Scenario The Carthaginians were a nation which hailed from Phoenicia, which is present-day Lebanon. The city of Carthage was established in...